You know how there is people obsessed with Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter or the Matrix? Well, Ghostbusters is my Star Wars. Ok, Obsessed is a harsh word, but you get the idea. It is the first movie I remember going to see in the theaters, and I was only 3.
Lately some entertainment magazines have begun to recognize it again as the best comedy in the past 25-30 years. Not many comedies are as smart, and not that many movies, from any genre, from any decade, have so many quotable lines. Ghostbusters achieve it without resorting to slapstick or potty humor.
If you ask me, this is Bill Murray's best role, the cynic Dr. Peter Venkman. It must be said that the rest of the cast is great too. The ultra-enthusiastic Ray Stantz (Dan Ayckroyd), the severely serious Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis), and even Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson) who has little screen time, but every line of dialogue he has is memorable. Then you have Sigourney Weaver, who I've never found attractive, yet looks nice here. William Atherton as the true nemesis for the ghostbusters (and he is not playing a ghost). Rick Moranis as a nerdy neighbor that will become integral part of the end of the world. Annie Potts as the short-tempered secretary.
Here you also have the coolest end-of-the-world scenario: Armageddon by giant marshmallow man. Sure, Slimer became more of a celebrity, but that moment where Stay Puft first appears in his full glory is just unforgettable.
If you are wondering where is Ghostbusters II in this list (considering there are quite a few sequels ranked here), I can only say that I was sorely disappointed by Ghostbusters II when I was 8, and I still am. That movie had none of the qualities that make the first one a classic. Ghostbusters II is a forced sequel. I don't know what to think about the possibility of a third GB movie in the near future.
Lately some entertainment magazines have begun to recognize it again as the best comedy in the past 25-30 years. Not many comedies are as smart, and not that many movies, from any genre, from any decade, have so many quotable lines. Ghostbusters achieve it without resorting to slapstick or potty humor.
If you ask me, this is Bill Murray's best role, the cynic Dr. Peter Venkman. It must be said that the rest of the cast is great too. The ultra-enthusiastic Ray Stantz (Dan Ayckroyd), the severely serious Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis), and even Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson) who has little screen time, but every line of dialogue he has is memorable. Then you have Sigourney Weaver, who I've never found attractive, yet looks nice here. William Atherton as the true nemesis for the ghostbusters (and he is not playing a ghost). Rick Moranis as a nerdy neighbor that will become integral part of the end of the world. Annie Potts as the short-tempered secretary.
Here you also have the coolest end-of-the-world scenario: Armageddon by giant marshmallow man. Sure, Slimer became more of a celebrity, but that moment where Stay Puft first appears in his full glory is just unforgettable.
If you are wondering where is Ghostbusters II in this list (considering there are quite a few sequels ranked here), I can only say that I was sorely disappointed by Ghostbusters II when I was 8, and I still am. That movie had none of the qualities that make the first one a classic. Ghostbusters II is a forced sequel. I don't know what to think about the possibility of a third GB movie in the near future.

Hands down the best superhero movie ever done, it´s not live action, but close enough. This is what superhero movies should be like: Action-packed, bright, fun with neat character relationships. Unfortunately I've seen the future, and the future is more dark, depressing, "adult" fare. The Incredibles is not, in my opinion, kiddie stuff, but something that can be enjoyed by all-ages, the way it should be.

It might be too new to be this high in the list, considering I've only seen it three times, but that's how good I think this movie is. Actually, I was debating wheather or not it was better than The Incredibles. It's a very daring movie that goes 40-45 minutes without dialogue. While at first glance it looks like a science fiction film, but it truly is a romantic comedy. While it does have a eco-friendly, anti-corporate secondary message, the true core of the story is that love conquers all. It pulls references from old black and white comedies all the way through science fiction films of the 60's, 70's and 80's.

Okay, I cheated here a little. I'm counting all three Back to the Future movies as one, because they tell a relatively coherent, full, single story, and are not single episodes that could exist without the others. Sure, in reality Back to the Future was meant to be just the first movie, and it's inconclusive ending was little more than a joke. Of course the first movie made a lot of money, and Universal just had to take advantage mak
Of the three, Part 1 is almost a perfect movie, with an incredibly well done script; Part 2 is kind of complicated, but interesting; and Part 3 while still good, being a western fells like the smaller chapter of the story. To me, both Marty McFly and Doc. Brown are iconic characters thanks to the work Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. You can't imagine any other actors in those roles.
Of the three, Part 1 is almost a perfect movie, with an incredibly well done script; Part 2 is kind of complicated, but interesting; and Part 3 while still good, being a western fells like the smaller chapter of the story. To me, both Marty McFly and Doc. Brown are iconic characters thanks to the work Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. You can't imagine any other actors in those roles.

E.T. or Schindler's List? Which is the best Steven Spielberg movie? Well, Raiders of the Lost Ark of course! Doing some damage control after the release of the sad, sad Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, both Spielberg and Lucas said that the Indiana Jones movies were never intended to be more than the cheap serials that inspired them. What a lie. Serials and b-movies would never be considered to be nominated for Best Picture. Raiders is indeed inspired but those serials, but is a high-caliber film, with great craftsmanship, high production values, and most importantly, it had heart, it wasn't just a product banking on nostalgia.
Harrison Ford is somehow able to top his own Han Solo with the world-weary archeologist that always seems to be in over his head or barely qualifyed to get out of the messes he gets himself into.
Harrison Ford is somehow able to top his own Han Solo with the world-weary archeologist that always seems to be in over his head or barely qualifyed to get out of the messes he gets himself into.

Action movies can pretty much be divided before-die-hard and after-die-hard. It has one of the most memorable and coolest movie villains ever, and detective John McClaine as the blue-collar answer to James Bond. The way Die Hard is edited was very unique when it was made, and movies have been copying it and pushing it to the limit ever since. Unlike other action heroes McClaine is not unvulnerable, and most of the time it looks like he wont be able to pull it off, by the end of the movie he is just barely in better shape than the 12 terrorists he had to take care of.

Someone once asked which movie was more important historically, Jurassic Park or Schindler's List? My answer, of course was Schindler's List, the film that got all the awards and finally rewarded Spielberg with this Best Director and Best Picture trophies. This person corrected me saying that the correct answer was Jurassic Park, since it truly changed the way movies were make, for better or worse. It was with Jurassic Park that people understood that with CGI, anything you could imagine, you could put on film. Some movies have abused this tool, and some argue that movies are dumber now because of it.
15 years later the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, a mix of animatronics and CGI, still look believable, and I think that the technology limitations of the time, that forced Spielberg not to give the dinosaurs too much screen time worked in its favor, much in the same way that the defective shark robot worked out for the better in Jaws.
For some years in the 90's Jurassic Park was my favorite movie. Those final moments where the T-Rex is attacked by the 2 raptors, but the T-Rex disposes of them, and the banner that reads "When Dinasaurs Ruled the Earth" comes down, that made me cry of joy when I was twelve.
Had I done this list a year ago this movie would've been ranked higher, maybe as high as second place. That's how much I loved The X-Files. That is until I saw the "movie" that came in 2008, I Want to Believe, and finally came to accept that the truth has always been there: that this was an aimless franchise. Sure the last 4 years of the tv series were much inferior to the the seasons that came before it, so I should've learned the truth earlier.
That said, I still feel like Fight the Future is a cool movie that reflects everything that was good about the famed mythology arc in the early years of the show. Sure things were a little simplified for the general movie audience, but the political thriller elements, the conspiracy, the paranoid feeling, the interaction between Mulder and Scully, the moody atmosphere, were all there. I think that this was the last great chapter of the mythology, but also the first time that The X-Files stepped firmly into sci-fi, something I think the writers behind the franchise were never able to handle correctly, and the show was never able to recover from.
That said, I still feel like Fight the Future is a cool movie that reflects everything that was good about the famed mythology arc in the early years of the show. Sure things were a little simplified for the general movie audience, but the political thriller elements, the conspiracy, the paranoid feeling, the interaction between Mulder and Scully, the moody atmosphere, were all there. I think that this was the last great chapter of the mythology, but also the first time that The X-Files stepped firmly into sci-fi, something I think the writers behind the franchise were never able to handle correctly, and the show was never able to recover from.

After a series of lacklustre animated features the Disney studios were thinking the unthinkable: to shut down the animation department. Thankfully the Little Mermaid came to save the day, launching what is now known as the Disney Renaissance (the other crowns of the jewel of the period being Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Lion King). A movie where are the talking creature sidekicks are funny, the villain is unforgettable, the princess is the strongwilled hero and not a pushover, and the music is fun. I had a crush on Ariel when I was little.

Another super movie from the early Renaissance era. Lots of great sidekicks like Abu, Iago and the Magic Carpet, a mean bad guy, and an interesting couple of protagonists in Aladdin and Jasmine . Of course it is the lamp's Genie that steals the show, helped by the ad-libbing by Robin Williams.

There's always this debate over which sequels are better than the original movies. Some say that Godfather 2 is better than the first. Others giver Superman II the upper hand over Superman: The movie. Things are pretty divided between Alien and Aliens. I think that Toy Story 2 truly is better than the first, but not by much since they are both excellent. Toy Story 2, is just more complex, with an even larger cast of -intersting- characters and funnier.
To the list of impressive achivements done by Pixar, you can add making a sequel superior to the superior original movie.
To the list of impressive achivements done by Pixar, you can add making a sequel superior to the superior original movie.

A fairly unknown little gem, that was ignored by the movie going public when it first came out, thanks to fact that it was never promoted by Warner. Everyone should check it out. It was directed by the Incredibles and Ratatouille's Brad Bird, so if that is not reason enough, I dont know what is. Any Superman fan will appreciate what the boy, Hogarth, uses to teach his amnesiac-giant-robot friend to use as role model. I also love how it makes a comment on the naivity of people during the early years of the Cold War.

How could the academy give Shrek the Animated Feature award over Monsters Inc. I will never comprehend. I guess the Shrek movies have a large appeal to the general audiences thank to it's relatively crude humor and pop culture references (that age those movies pretty bad, by the way)... but Monsters Inc. is timeless. 20 years from now Monsters Inc. will be a classic, while Shrek will not.

I've always hated zombie movies, if for not other reason that I can't believe that zombies are belieavable threats. They are slow and dumb, not undestructible and can't spread their desease unless they come within reach of the "living", you'd think they are easely containable. So why do I like this movie? Because other than being hilarious (while being scary when it wants to be), it shows that Zombies are a threat to a group not-very-bright people, while the rest of humanity seems to be taking care of the zombie crisis off-camera. So it is a great comedy for those that love zombie flicks, but also for those that don't like them.

Everything began here. Toy Story wowed audiences back in 1995, and people can't seem to have enough of Pixar (and other studios' computer animated features) ever since. I believe that even without the added value of computer animation, this story would've been a success in any format. It's just that good.

The highest grossing Pixar to date. All the underwater scenes, and that includes the scenes inside the fish tank, are breathtaking. Marlin reminds me a bit of my father, but I guess that is true for everyone's father.

While the first Evil Dead was a straight low-budget horror movie, and the third movie in the series, Army of Darness is an incredibly silly slapstick comedy, Evil Dead 2 does an almost perfect balancing of the 2 elements: comedy and horror. A particular highlight of this movie is the moment Ash feels he is losing his mind, and sees inanimated objects of the isolated cabin laugh at him. His reaction? Laugh with them. I believe Army of Darkness is more popular, but this is the better movie.

Probably the last good traditional animated movie by Disney that was good and succesful. It breaks from the mold of the typical Disney movie in the sense that the main couple here are a girl and her pet alien monster. Stitch certainly is a very atypical Disney character, and they tried to sell that idea in the trailers, but obviously never falls to the Ren and Stimpy territory. The roundness on the character designs and the watercolor backgrounds were a treat too.

So many movies have tried to replicate the success of Silence of the Lambs, including its sequels, but I think that only Seven and The X-Files (tv series) can be considered worthy offsprings. While superficially it can be considered a crime story, it truly is a horror movie. As unforgettable as Anthony Hopkins was as Hannibal Lecter, I think that Jodie Foster is the one that makes you sit through the movie. Fans of The Dark Knight might want to check Buffalo Bill to see what I think was one of the inspirations of the Joker seen in that movie.

While the sequels delved deeper and deeper into sci-fi territory, the original Alien is a horror movie set in space. For some reason I find it more efficient and scarier to have just 1 creature trapped in the same ship with a limited cast of characters. As a whole, this movie is much darker and claustrophobic than Aliens, and the less said about Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection the better.

This is an epic movie, it spans several decades, you see multiple historical personalities, events that change the world, all through the eyes of 1 man. Tom Hanks and Gary Sinise have never been better. I particularly love the commentary about how someone, mentally challenged, can excel in the military... after all, all you need is to follow orders, and Forrest Gump was the best at that. A movie that is funny, it's sad, it's lighthearted and thought provoking, all at the same time. Conservatives think it promotes their values, but I think it makes a comment on how Gump follows these values blindly, cause he doesn't know any better.

Bill Murray's career was reignatded here, and has done pretty much variations of this man in with a midlfe crisis ever since (see Lost in Translation, Life Aquatic, Broken Flowers). A curious comedy about a talented underachiever, Max Fischer, that was the most active student of a expensive private school, partaking in every extra-curricular club there could be, but at the same time was the worst student the school had. More than that, it's a movie about the improbable love triagle between him, the first-grade teacher, and the self-loathing industrialist that while trying to befriend Max, falls in love with the teacher Max is infatuated with.

The most artsy of the Pixar movies, and I mean it in a good way. I can't imagine any of the other animation studios making a movie about cooking, and the pleasures of food. Of course it does help that it is hilarious, and beautiful to look at.

I had always heard good things about John Carpenter's The Thing, but never had had the opportunity to see it. 2 years ago I finally got it on dvd. This movie is a blast. Like Alien, it is more a horror movie than sci-fi. A great story on paranoia and isolation. The practical effects and animatronics in this movie still look amazing. There's a rumor that people in Hollywood are planning a remake of this remake. They shouldn't even try, a movie this raw can't be made anymore. The downbeat ending would never make it past the test screenings with today's audiences.
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